
Home - The main site.


Cage - Housing your parakeet


Biting - Tips to stop parakeet biting.
. Diet - Feeding your parakeet
. Selecting a Budgie - Choose a healthy budgie.
. Setting Rules - Basic rules every parakeet should know.
. Sexing - Ways to sex your budgie.
. Socializing - Help your parakeet better adapt to humans.
. Taming - Tips to help tame your parakeet.
. Links - Other parrot sites.


Sexing Your Mature Budgies

Budgies are sexually dimorphic, which means they can be sexed visually.  But like most parrots that can be sexed visually, they need time to exhibit their gender traits.

Sexing a budgie is not difficult and can easily be done through their nose (cere).  If your mature budgie has a brown nose then you have a female.  If your mature budgie has a blue nose then you have male.   Keep in mind the budgie’s nose will change coloring around 8 months; sometimes sooner.   It can be difficult sexing a young budgie because all have pink ceres.   The diagram below shows two adult budgies with different cere colors.

Sexing Budgies Through Their Behavior

If you are eager to determine the sex of your parakeet here are few behavior characteristics that may help .  Remember this is not a definite way because sometimes budgies can act one way and this could give you false notions about your bird’s sex.  If you must know your budgie’s sex, the most accurate and reliable way is through DNA testing.  Kits are affordable and results will be returned in a few weeks or days depending on the company you choose.

Males: A male budgie will bob its head often while it sings and moves back and forth on its perch.  This is their mating dance and many young males will practice this behavior.

Females:  A female budgie will sing less or cannot make vocal variations like the males.  Instead, they will mostly make loud chips and calls; very rarely will they sing.  A female budgie can show signs of being territorial by becoming bossy towards their owners or other birds.