
Home - The main site.


Cage - Housing your parakeet


Biting - Tips to stop parakeet biting.
. Diet - Feeding your parakeet
. Selecting a Budgie - Choose a healthy budgie.
. Setting Rules - Basic rules every parakeet should know.
. Sexing - Ways to sex your budgie.
. Socializing - Help your parakeet better adapt to humans.
. Taming - Tips to help tame your parakeet.
. Links - Other parrot sites.


Setting Ground Rules

Setting ground rules are essential if you want to develop a friendly parrot who knows what is acceptable and what is not.  Though ground rules are often overlooked, they need to be practiced.  Setting ground rules are as important as properly socializing a parrot—it needs to be done.  Any person who owns a dog usually knows that in order for a dog to be obedient, you must teach him simple commands that will control him.  This same type of thinking needs to be applied towards your budgie as well.  Ground rules help to develop a parrot that can cope and interact with all family members without aggression or hatred.  Parakeets that are not properly trained are the ones that usually travel from house to house because their owners did not establish household rules.

It is important to note that establishing ground rules does not mean being aggressive when trying to get your point across.  It simply means helping your parakeet understand acceptable behavior.  Though many methods circulate on disciplining your parrot, you should know the only way to properly discipline your budgie is to ignore any unwanted behavior. That means no yelling, flicking, shacking, or hitting the bird.  This type of abuse only develops a frightened parrot that will become aggressive and fearful of humans.

Stepping Up/Down

The first rule is teaching your parrot the step up command.  This rule is simple and requires your parrot to step up when asked.  This rule needs to be practiced till it is second nature to your bird.  Your parakeet should not hesitate when stepping onto your finger when asked.   This exercise can be done by laddering the parakeet for a few minutes and repeating “step up.”  This laddering technique needs to be done is short increments and you need to praise your parrot for performing correctly.  The same rule needs to be practiced with stepping down.

Shoulder Time

Never let your parakeet wonder to your shoulder if it has not been placed there.  Young parakeets will test their limits and continually try to move to your shoulder while you seem distracted.  If your bird starts to move up, move him back down to your finger.  The bird will test you several times but you need to stay consistent and firm.  Once the parakeet understands his limits, he will no longer seek your shoulder unless you place him there.


Recalling is a rule that needs to be taught to all parakeets from day one.  It is probably one of the most crucial if not important rules you must teach your parakeet.  Recalling means your bird will come to you on command.  This comes in handy for parakeets with unclipped wings or if a window is left open and the bird wonders off.  Once the bird understands this rule, you have a greater change of retrieving your parakeet if he gets lost.  This rule needs to be especially taught if you enjoy having a parakeet in full flight.

Recalling can easily be done by placing the parrot a few inches away from you.  When the parrot walks towards you and hops on your finger repeat, “come here.”  As the parakeet progress gradually increase the distance.  Try progressing to a room’s length once you are sure your parakeet understands this rule.   Be patient, keep things on a positive note, and always reward your parakeet for doing what he is told.  In a matter of weeks you will have a well trained parrot.

Out of Cage Time

Letting your parakeet out of the cage should not be permitted unless you physically remove him from his cage.  A parakeet that is removed from his cage needs to step onto your finger before you take him out.  If this is not practiced, you can develop a parakeet that is territorial.  This means if you place your hand inside the cage the parrot will guard the cage and bite.  The parakeet needs to understand that if he wants out of cage time it must be through you. Under no circumstances should you open the door of the cage and wait for the parakeet to come out to handle him.  Many females can become territorial so extra caution should be used.

Play stand

If you have a play stand for your bird, it is important you teach him to stay there.  Budgies are very curious creatures and will explore their environment any chance they get.   This can be dangerous if your parrot is not supervised.  To avoid this from happening, place your parakeet on his stand and if he wonders off, place him back.   It might take several attempts to place him back on the stand, but stay consistent and firm.  Within a few weeks your budgie will know that it is only allowed to stay on its stand and will not wonder off.  Keep in mind that though parakeets can be trained, they still wonder off.  Just be sure you always watch the floor because these small parrots can easily be stepped on.

These are just a few rules that need to be implemented form day one.  If you successfully do this you’ll have a wonderful parrot that will be easy to control.  A budgie that has a structured environment will stay happy and safe, not to mention you will not have a difficult creature to deal with.